It was a short week last week, but the kids did a nice job getting back into the routine of our classroom.
Math Workshop
The kids took an end of module assessment on Thursday last week. After taking the assessment, each student completed a Self-Assessment. They assessed themselves on their ability to use word problem strategies as well as other math strategies that they have learned over the past few weeks. After assessing themselves, they were able to go back to their assessment to fix any areas that they wanted to put in additional effort.
We started our 2nd Module on Metric Measurement. We went outside in the Friday sunshine to start looking for objects that measured 1 centimeter and 1 meter. After finding objects that had those measurements, they practiced measuring other objects that they found outside.
We will continue to work on Module 2 over the next few weeks. I will be sending home the Parent Handout that explains some of the concepts that your child will be learning over the next few weeks. You will also receive a Homework Helper packet. This packet is being sent out to all students in the district when a new module is started. It gives step by step instructions on how to solve math problems that your child will have as part of their homework. The kids can refer to the steps at home and refresh their memory about the strategies that they have learned in school as well.
Here are some pictures from our measurement activity on Friday...
Parent-Teacher Conferences
I know many of you have signed up for conferences that are taking place on Wednesday and Thursday this week. If you haven't signed up, please do so as soon as possible. If you run into any problems, please let me know and I can sign you up.
Tomorrow you will receive a Questionnaire to fill out for your child's conference. I am attaching the Questionnaire below, so that you can take a look at it. The purpose of this is to help keep your child's conference on track. Since we only have 10 minutes, this will help me make sure that I answer any questions or concerns that you may have.
Feel free to email me your response if that is easier for you!
October 2015
thought it would be helpful to get some information from you before we have our
conference this week. You will not be
receiving a report card at the conference so it leads us to truly being able to
have a discussion about what we all see happening right now and where we need
to strengthen your child’s academic and social skills. With that in mind,
please answer these questions as best you can and return it to school by Tuesday, October 20th so that we’re all ready to discuss your child
in a timely manner.
1. What strengths do you see your
child showing?
2. What weaknesses do you see your
child showing?
3. What questions do you have about
homework so far this year?
What social concerns do you have for your child this year?
What other topics would you like us to discuss?
Mrs. Lewis
I look forward to talking with you during conferences this week.