We had a few more presentations last week!
Congratulations to Christiane, Ti-Ti, and Kylie (not shown here) for their amazing presentation on sea turtles. This group created an iMovie and a slide show to teach the class about sea turtles and what we can all do to help protect them! I am hoping to upload both the slide show and iMovie at some point this week!
Also,,,,,,Congratulations to Angelina and Lizzie for their presentation on birds! They taught the class a lot of fun facts about a variety of birds! It is great to be able to learn from our classmates. All of the kids have been encouraged to use these 3 presentations as possible inspiration to start their own project!
Math Workshop
Last week in math we started plotting fractions on a number line. This led us to being able to compare 2 fractions using the number line. One very important skill that was taught to all of the kids last week was the importance of using benchmark fractions such as 0, 1/2, and 1 whole. We spent a lot of time getting lots of practice comparing a fraction to 1/2. This will help us as we continue to work through this fraction unit.
Here is another way for the kids to think about it.....
Fraction Online Games
Each student now has on his/her Google Docs account a page with several links to fraction number line games. These websites are a great way to practice what we are working on in the classroom.
Reading Workshop
We jumped into the world of poetry last week in reading! We were reading poems from a book called My Man Blue. It is a collection of poems that tell a story about a man named Blue and a boy named Damon. As we have been reading the poems from this book we have been talking about the inferences that we can make as well as noticing some of the poetry terms that we are becoming familiar with such as mood and stanza.
Giggle Poetry
We also went on this website last week. This website a ton of funny poems written by Bruce Lansky. For homework this week your child will be going onto this website and completing an assignment that goes along with it on Google Docs. More information will be sent home with your child tomorrow! This will be due on Friday.
I hope everyone was able to enjoy the weather this weekend! Have a great week!