The kids were very excited to start building their earthquake resistant buildings on Friday. There were able to take their research and use the materials that we had to create replicas of their structures. Thanks to all of the families that were able to donate materials for our Earthquake project. It really helped to get the creative juices flowing!! It was great to see how the engineers came together and used bits and pieces of each others designs to create the structure. One of the biggest AHA moments on Friday was that marshmallows make an excellent glue when a glue stick doesn't do the trick! (And it makes quite a mess!!!) I can't wait to see how the kids finish off these structures and how they hold up against the shake table.
We held the Decimal Olympics last week. The students competed in the Zig Zag, Backwards Run, and the Crab Walk. We had a lot of fun participating in the Olympics. After the friendly competitions we took all of the decimal data and used it to compare decimals, write different forms of decimals, and place the data on a number line.
There will not be any Math Menu homework this week! Your child will most likely come home with some research writing to complete instead. (This could be on a nightly basis!)
End of Year Reminders
- T-Shirt forms are due by WEDNESDAY.
- If your child hasn't turned in his/her Field Trip permission slip, please do so this week. If you would like to chaperone on our field trip to the Hudson Public Library and Wood Park, please let me know as soon as possible!
Have a great week!