Putting in the Effort
week we continued our growth mindset discussion. We looked at what Effective Effort is and how it helps us to reach our goals. We also talked about how we need to use
strategies that we have learned along with hard work.
are 6 components to Effective Effort
that we discussed as a class. The kids
broke up into small groups and talked about what each “piece” might look
like. The 6 components are…
J Commitment
J Use
of Feedback
spent the rest of the week talking about and pointing out when students were
using one of the effective effort strategies.
spent a lot of time talking about being committed to getting our work
done. Many students showed “commitment”
during an independent reading activity.
They had to read a short story and answer a question in writing after. Many students realized that when they were
finished reading the story, they weren’t quite sure of the answer to the
question. To demonstrate their commitment to getting the assignment
completed to the best of their ability, they reread and thought about the
answer to the question more carefully the second time.
Other students demonstrated “time”
during math. We started working on
division this week. For some students it
took more time to understand the strategies that they were learning. Several students, worked on taking their time
on the problems. They also “checked”
their work, which also showed how they were taking their time and making sure
the answer was correct. It took a little bit longer, but in the long
run they were able to fix any silly mistakes that they might have made.
On Friday we reflected on the 6
pieces of effective effort. Each student
thought about a time during the week when they demonstrated one piece of
effective effort. Our class and Mrs.
Leger’s class started to post our examples.
Here are a few pictures of our
board in the hallway outside of our classroom…
Just a reminder that Wednesday is a
half-day of school and there is no school on Thursday or Friday. I hope everyone has a fun and relaxing
Thanksgiving break.
~Mrs. Lewis
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