Friday, November 29, 2013

Fun at the Ecotarium

     We had a lot of fun at the Ecotarium on Tuesday!  As part of our field trip we got to go down to the pond and collect samples of the water.  After chipping through the ice on the pond, we were able to get a great sampling of water.  We then took it back to the auditorium and looked at what we collected under a microscope that was magnified 40x.  It was interesting to see the blood worm that was trying to eat some of the critters crawling around.  The kids also loved seeing Sox and Roxie the foxes.  They couldn't help but sing "What Does the Fox Say" as they watched them run around their habitat!  :)
     On Wednesday we spent our math time planning a Thanksgiving dinner using store circulars.  We had some very smart shoppers.  They all had $100 to spend on their feast.  Many groups only ended up spending closer to $50!  Bargain shoppers for sure!
     Next week we will choose a thesis statement for our personal essays.  The kids have been working hard at free writing where they try to write as much as they can on a particular topic.  It is interesting to see the kids "push their thinking" by expanding their thoughts on paper.
     I hope everyone had a relaxing Thanksgiving!
~Mrs. Lewis

Friday, November 15, 2013

Celebrating our Authors!

     It was great to see everyone after the extra long weekend on Tuesday!  We got to end our day with an Author Celebration.  The kids got to share their published personal narrative stories.  There was excitement in the air as each student got to share their story with a small group of their classmates.  It was nice to see the "audience" asking questions of the author as well as paying them a nice compliment.  At the end each student got to create a "compliment card" for one of their group members.  We shared the compliments with the class.  As a class we also celebrated how much we learned as writers over the first two months of school. 
     We are now moving on to writing essays.  Essays are quite different from personal narratives and they follow a specific structure. This structure makes it easier for some kids to write down their thinking.  We will continue to learn about essays over the next few weeks.
     In reading we continued to talk about making inferences.  It was great to see such a wonderful turnout at our Read with Me workshop this past Thursday.  The kids talked about how they love being able to share what they are learning in school with their parents and act as the "experts."  It is such a great way for the students to show off what they know.  Thank you to the parents that were able to make it to the workshop!  We will have another Read with Me workshop in January!
     Please remember that permission slips are due for the field trip to the Ecotarium.  Permissions slips were due today, so if you haven't sent it in yet please do so by early next week. 
    I hope everyone enjoys this November weekend!
~Mrs. Lewis

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Field Trip Permission Slip

Please remember to send in the Ecotarium permission slip with your child this week (if you haven't done so already).  Along with the permission slip, please send in $12.00 cash or a check made out to Home and School.  Thank you!

Final Copy Reminder

Just a reminder that your child's personal narrative final copy is due on Thursday.  Please allow them to work on this by themselves so that I can assess what they know how to do and what they need to continue to work on.  Thank you for your support with this!

Friday, November 1, 2013

A "Spook"-tacular Week!

     It was a very busy and fun week!  We had a lot of fun coming up with a "lucky" Red Sox handshake at morning meeting on Wednesday.  Obviously the Red Sox won because of our lucky charm!  :)  (It was fun to think that was the reason anyway!)
     The kids did an awesome job with their Character Costume Book Reports.  They were so excited to get into character.  After each of them shared their speech, they handed out a "Kids Choice Award....Character Costume Book Report Edition" to each speech that they listened to.  We got to witness some thoughtful and kind comments about each character.    
      We also got to learn about sensory details.  Sensory details are specific words that we can add to our personal narratives to make them more exciting to read.  The kids got to visit some different stations including the "gak" station.  They got to make a sticky, rubbery mixture and write down some adjectives about what they were observing with their senses.  We took all of these words and created a list that we can refer to when we are writing.
      Earlier in the week we wrapped up our adventure across the Northeast.  Next week, the kids will begin science with Mrs. Leger.  They will learn about Rocks and Minerals through lots of fun, hands-on experiments.
     On Thursday a note was sent home explaining the new homework assignment.  Your child brought home their personal narrative story.  They need to write the final copy of this story.  If for some reason your child didn't finish writing their story in school, they need to finish it on their own.  Like the notice stated, it is very important that your child finish this independently.  The final copy needs to be returned by next Thursday, November 7th.  We will have our writing celebration that day.  Thank you for your support with this.
     I hope you have a great weekend!
~Mrs. Lewis