Friday, April 4, 2014

Conference Forms

Conferences are approaching quickly!  I am looking forward to meeting with everyone next week. 

Earlier this week, I sent home a (pink) conference questionnaire with your child.  If you could take a few minutes to fill the form out, it would be helpful.  Since we only have 10 minutes to talk about your child's progress, the questionnaire helps us to focus on your concerns and any questions that you have. 

If you could send the form in by Tuesday, that would truly help me to make sure that we are able to discuss your child's progress in a timely manner.

Thank you for your help in this!

Excited Learners!

     This is an exciting time of year in fourth grade!  We are starting to use all that we have learned as readers and writers this year and apply our knowledge in different ways. 
     The kids were bursting with excitement this week during writing workshop.  They are advertising executives who are producing a commercial for their new "inventions!"  First thing in the morning, kids are asking to work on their commercials.  They are using what they have learned about essay writing to persuade an audience to "buy" their product.  There are some VERY creative students in our classroom. 
     In reading, they have been familiarizing themselves with the states.  We have been working on the regions of the United States in social studies, but now they are at the beginning stages of starting a research project.  The kids have been browsing through state books and trying to figure out what they are interested in learning about.  In the next few weeks, the kids will choose a state and become experts on that state.
     I hope everyone has a great weekend!
~Mrs. Lewis